Custom Banners, Sashes and Flags
We can provide custom banners with printed logos, brand colours and matched trim for companies, events and weddings. Clients have the option to have us design the banners and flags or to work with their own design team. We use digital printing services for many of our clients, or custom embroidery in either standard thread or gold bullion.
We also have the option for custom flags and flag bearers for specialist occasions including sporting events and parades.
Fanfare Australia Marching band in Pitt Street Mall, Sydney for David Jones in collaboration with Disney. The custom banner and sash were made by Fanfare Australia and designed by the David Jones graphic design team.
Our Toy Nutcracker Fanfare Trumpet team with Custom-made QVB banners. The launch of the Queen Victoria Building’s Christmas events required custom banners, and specially choreographed music and performance.
High quality selection of Military and fun uniforms
We have a large range of uniforms from fun Nutcracker outfits, American marching band outfits to high quality military replica uniforms.
We have a range of military styled hats from French Kepis, Military brim caps to Shakos and even Bearskins as worn by the British Household Lifeguards seen outside Buckingham Palace and the residences of the Royal family.
Speak to us about your options for uniforms and we will find the perfect option for you.
Custom Musical Arrangements
We offer many different standard performance types. For fanfare performances we have typical lengths of musical.
1. Short traditional fanfare (5-25 seconds)
2. Long Heraldic ensemble piece (15-180 seconds)
3. Large Ensemble works (1-20 minutes)
Optional Bespoke Pieces
We can custom arrange pieces from 5 seconds for lone trumpeters to 20 minutes for large symphonic and Marching band works (upon approval). This can be used to incorporate company sound signatures, sound logos and jingles, choreographed to timecode or click-track for fireworks and lighting displays, for the perfect length performance.
These arrangements can use many different instruments, from standard fanfare trumpets, horn sections and percussion ensembles to backing tracks and modern pop music.